AW Dubai was truly one for the books! πŸ”₯

5,062 attendees, 1,982 companies, and 210 exhibitors from 124 countries joined us. The event was packed with valuable discussions at the marketplace, eye-opening insights during sessions, and legendary networking parties.

Let’s take a look back at some noteworthy sessions from the conference. πŸ‘‡

1. Iman Bashir & Nicole Lytle | Mastering Generative AI to Automate Your Next Campaign in Minutes πŸ’¬

Iman Bashir and Nicole Lytle’s live ChatGPT demo session taught us that not all AI results are the same. They presented 3 key points we must take note of to harness the power of AI:
  • Understand the difference between prompt programming and how it affects the results you get from AI-powered tools
  • Select the right AI prompt for your needs to generate the desired content
  • Focus on specific words and phrasing rather than simply using more words

2. Neil Patel | Landmines and Launchpads: Neil Patel’s Affiliate Marketing Predictions & Tips For 2023 πŸ§™‍♂️

Neil Patel emphasized that focusing on the long-term benefits of your product or service increases the likelihood of making a sale, even during tough economic times. Make sure to:
  • Highlight the long-term benefits of your product or service in your advertising campaigns
  • Use language that emphasizes the long-term benefits, such as “save time and money in the long run” or “improve your health over time.”

3. Jordan Menard | The Unfair Advantage: Learn How to Leverage Narrative Ads to Drive 582% YoY Growth With Ecom Offers πŸ“ˆ

According to Jordan Menard, narrative ads can be a game-changer when it comes to connecting with customers and transmitting messages to your target audience. He recommends using this 3-part structure:

  • Grab attention: Start your ad with a hook that captures your audience’s attention and piques their interest
  • Kick the bruise: Agitate the issues that your product can solve by addressing the pain points of your audience and highlighting how your product can help
  • Build a bridge: Finally, explain how your product solves the problem and offers a solution to the pain points you’ve identified

4. Affiliate Marketing in the Middle East Panel | Top-Performing Verticals, Effective Traffic Sources, and Winning Strategies 🌍

During the Affiliate Marketing in the Middle East Panel, we learned all about the untapped commission potential in the region. Gulf countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have a high purchasing power, making it a potentially lucrative market for affiliate marketers.

5. Phoenix Ha | A Case Study on Utilizing First-Party Data and a Winning Team Structure For 141% YoY Growth πŸ’°

Phoenix Ha took a deep dive into the importance of click attribution in measuring the effectiveness of your campaigns. Here are 3 takeaways from her speech:
  • Click attribution is more tangible and accurate in measuring campaign effectiveness than view attribution
  • Prioritize click attribution when evaluating campaigns to measure the impact of your campaigns accurately
  • Utilize tools that provide click attribution data to track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions