The new ad campaign lowered the client’s cost per install by 35%, saving them about $7 million in that market alone.
4. Gift 🎁
“Gifting” is another form of social media currency. The more value you share and provide, the more attention and engagement you will draw.
This will bring in more likes, create more conversations, and prod the algorithm to boost your posts.
5. Opinion 👄
Sharing your opinions, values, and beliefs on social media is another key to generating engagement, leads, and a following for your brand.
Like it or not, polarizing comments will draw in like-minded people and repel those who don’t share your interests and the culture you’re trying to cultivate.
❌ Don’t be negative or toxic, but position yourself as a thought leader and own your point of view to create a connected community.
6. Niche 💎
The only way your campaigns will succeed is if you solve a specific problem for a specific person.
Draw from the conversations you’ve started and the feedback you’ve received to use the same language your audience does to frame the problem and share your product as the solution.
7. Serve (to Sell) 🏷
The final piece of the DRAGONS puzzle used to be “sales,” but Dot realized that a better fit at this stage is “service.”
If you approach your audience from a place of service – “we want to help you solve a problem, not just take your money” – the other components will become that much more effective.
Your conversations will be more effective, your opinions will be more valuable, your content will appear more relatable – and you’ll be able to tell stories that engage emotionally.