Getting ads rejected or your ad account banned is one of the biggest pain points for Facebook Ad Marketers.

Before we dive into ways to fix non-compliant ads, we must first know Facebook’s core ad policy principles:

πŸ“Œ Business Model – your business page must be in line with Facebook’s values

πŸ“Œ User Response Content – your ads must adhere to the advertising policies set by Facebook and must provide value to its users

Facebook Ads Review Process

review process

7 Ways to Fix Non-Compliant Ads

1.) Sensational Content πŸ“°

Ads can’t be shocking, scary, or disgusting. It cannot highlight suffering.


sensational content

2.) Low-Quality Ads πŸ‘Ž

Ads should not withhold information in order to entice someone to click. Images that are excessively cropped or require people to click them to view the full image should be avoided.


low quality ads

3.) Non-Existent Functionality

Ads must not contain images, or features, with non- existent functionality. They should not mimic meta features or functionality that do not work.

non-existent functionality

4.) Personal Attributes

Avoid speaking directly to or about the users-using words such as you, your or you’re.

Avoid stating or implying users’ personal attributes such as:

Race, age, financial status, religion, family status, physical and mental health.

personal attributes

Feel free to use words like “us” or “we” in place of “you” references. For example:

Make you smile vs. Made us smile
May surprise you vs. Surprised us
You won’t expect vs. We wouldn’t expect

5.) Sexually Suggestive Content

Avoid using imagery that shows excessive visible skin or is focused on individual body parts.

sexually suggestive content

6.) Personal Health & Appearance

Don’t use before and after images side-by-side.

You can use just the before photo or just the after photo to circumvent this, which is especially helpful for nutra offers.

personal health and appearance

7.) Grammar

This one is self-explanatory.

All capitalized letters or curse words are automatic grounds for rejection.

Make sure to also double-check your spelling on the creative as Facebook will scan the text on photos, in addition to the caption.


To get more strategies and tips on running Facebook Ads as a performance marketer, then join us for Affiliate World!

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