What are some of the easiest ways to create new revenue online? At Affiliate World Europe 2019, Hen Kinan and Maor Benaim reveal how you can dive into the untapped potential of GDN and content promotion. Watch Hen and Maor’s full AWE19 presentations here.

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AWeurope Interview with Maor Benaim, CEO of The Wolf Marketing & Hen Kinan, VP Business Development of SHINEz

Maor Benaim on Google AI Manipulation at AWE19

πŸŽ™οΈ What’s up world? We’re here at Affiliate World 2019. Here in Barcelona and I’m here with two of my buddies, Maor and Hen. Pleasure having you guys.
What’s up?
πŸŽ™οΈ Okay. I’m super stoked about this one. Super stoked, because we’re going to speak about two things. Mainly, Google, and then one way of optimising and running with Google. How to make money with Google, right?
Right. One hell of a platform.
πŸŽ™οΈ It is. Share your main thoughts and maybe you start off with what you just talked about onstage.
It was about Google AI manipulation. Basically, understanding how Google and the system works and how to basically manipulate it to get lower costs to increase your campaigns and scale them dramatically.

My second talk is about GDN in specifics. So I’m going to share really, really smart stuff that I spent tons of money, of my own money and my clients’ money, throughout the years. And I basically built a whole methodology that’s called the Pyramid of Optimisation.

It’s a whole mathematic thing that really gives you the correct structure on how to optimise, when to make decisions, and like the pros and cons of each type of decision, so it’s really big. It’s really big because when I started out, just like running campaigns on Google, I had a bad feeling, you know. That feeling that you have inside of you, when you don’t know which part of a campaign you want to optimise.

Do you, first of all, kill the underperforming ads? Or do you kill placements? Do you kill keywords? What do you do, because you don’t want to kill an ad that’s just been getting traffic from one specific placement, where that placement might have been underperforming, you know?

πŸŽ™οΈ Okay, alright, perfect.

Hen Kinan on SHINEz & Monetising Viral Content at AWE19

What’s up?
πŸŽ™οΈ How’s it going?
Not bad, and excited to be here. Like, I think it’s the biggest conference.
πŸŽ™οΈ That’s true. Thank you for those words. I do agree. It’s an amazing show and it’s even more amazing because we have speakers like you guys, and share a little bit of your stories and what you do.
Cool, actually, it’s the first time I’m going to speak. And you know I came to the first Affiliate World as an affiliate, proper affiliate running niches, like mobile content, and CPL. But we did some progress and in the past two years, developed a platform called SHINEz and actually content distribution platforms, so we run a lot of Facebook and native ads. We monetise the traffic by selling ads to different SSP via header bidding systems so everything is in real time. And we just generate a lot, a lot of viral content in order to pull out the users.
πŸŽ™οΈ I really, really enjoy that concept. We’ve known each other for a while, and I’ve had the chance to kind of see how, how things progress for SHINEz. I really like it because the way I see it is you’re providing a viral content platform and the only thing an affiliate has to do, or a publisher has to do, is send you traffic and you’re doing everything else so it’s like a dream come true for many affiliates, right?
Yeah, exactly like us as an affiliate, we have the ability to buy traffic. We know how to buy traffic, we know how to get high CTR, and we at SHINEz basically give you a one-stop shop. So, we will give you the content. We will take care of the monetisation, which is a big headache. We’ll take care of the tracking and you just need to find this like winner creative to get the users in.
πŸŽ™οΈ Yeah, yeah. There is quite the number of people who do viral content, but it’s separate from the affiliate world, usually right. So it’s a very very nice marriage you have going there. Cool.

Wolf Tips On Running Google Traffic

πŸŽ™οΈ Maor, share some more tips on if I would want to run traffic, for example, to SHINEz, right, what would be the three most important things when I want to tackle Google the wolf way?
Okay, so first of all, I’m going to start with the negatives, okay? And I know it’s not popular but I really want to speak in a genuine way, okay. So opening up GDN, the display network, the Google Display Network, for content campaign is possible and you can make money out of it and I’ve heard people making money out of it, okay.

It just takes more time because as I said earlier, Google is cookie optimised. Cookie-based. It’s not profile-based so you’re not really optimising on the go, you have to get the data, spend the money, have basically, the big pockets, the deep pockets, and then make some optimisation decisions. So, okay, the positive thing is that it would be really stable, scalable to the moon, and now is the time to start because Q3 and Q4 are the biggest RPMs and that’s where you make the money in that industry.

πŸŽ™οΈ What I was most surprised about GDN, was really the volume. I guess that’s because it’s really untapped. There’s not too much competition yet.
Yes, the inventory there is amazing. It’s crazy. If I had to give a couple of tips, I would say first one, just implement. And that’s something 80% or maybe more than the people I know, don’t do. Implement tons of conversion pixels inside the site. So conversion, like the pixel should fire if you’re, we’re talking about content arbitrage. If that person is reaching a specific number of pages per session or you can do an earlier funnel-type of conversion, which is just the time that a user spends on site and then you have the good quality traffic, and you know how to optimise that and you are basically segmenting there. That’s the first one.

The second one is to use the responsive ads format, which really optimises and uses Google automation thing. And optimises the headlines, optimise the descriptions on the go, so it’s a smart thing that Google did and it’s like, it’s something that made the big change in my campaigns at least. CTR-wise at least.

πŸŽ™οΈ Okay. That’s pretty amazing, yeah. I’ve seen Google banners work very well but usually they have been more expensive, and search ads. But then again, I’m a Facebook guy, what do you think?
First of all, I’ve had a different experience. And again, I can share some tips. So, the first tip, which is really big and like Hen said, it’s like an untapped market. It’s using specific, basically product that Google made, which is called custom intent. So custom intent is really following up with search quality users inside GDN. So you get the lower CPCs from GDN but you’re getting like really high CPCs, high-quality traffic that you would’ve paid for.

So if you’re taking, for example, the legal sector, a CPC there could cost you up to a $1,000/$800/$700, okay? You can just use a custom intent audience to follow up with that audience inside the search network, okay. So you would get like, super low CPCs compared to a search but those people have intent. Google already made a list of audiences, of people who search for those brands or those types of keywords, so that’s a smart thing to do. Like when you’re running GDN if you want to get the lower CPCs. Also, there is a big, big opportunity with mobile app traffic. Super low CPCs, one cent, two cents CPCs, really good if you know how to optimise that.

What To Look At When Building Landing Pages

πŸŽ™οΈ Cool. Amazing. I’ll definitely keep that in mind, okay, let’s switch to landing pages for a little bit. Because one thing that I realise is you guys really know how to build content and how to package it on a page, right. Maybe you can share a couple tips on how you actually build pages.
Well it’s actually connected to what Maor said. So we want to follow the user, you know, how the user actually goes through our site. So we want to know exactly how many pages they read, how many times they spend on each page, what pages made them bounce, or things like that. So as long as you can all the time go through all the funnel of the user and then optimise the page constantly, everytime the things are changing, if it’s even changed the fourth page headline to the first one, or opposite side or just split test it all the time, so fall on it and do constantly testing. I think that’s part of what we, as an affiliate, have to do all the time. Split test, split test, split test.
And if I can add, basically, it’s taking a lot of people that use to run like really big or wide margin campaigns, they never got to the point where they had to deal with the really big data, you know. So a big data is like a password and stuff but taking it, really digging in, you know you have to be a geek. You have to basically get horny from seeing the numbers and graphs and stuff and implementing it into changes, into your campaigns, into your landing pages, into the like, making heat maps, seeing how the users react with the site, what type of engagements are they doing, and making those changes, and making another change and another change. It’s like a full-time job, more than a full time job because it’s never-ending.
πŸŽ™οΈ It’s true but it’s so important. I mean I think Jason Akatiff shared that onstage before right? But in case you don’t realise, cost for traffic generally goes up, right. So you’ve got to keep working on improving your set up and that most importantly includes on how you set up your pixel, includes landing pages and how you set them up, includes adding different traffic sources most likely, depending on a product. Testing the sh*t out of it right?
Yeah it seems that most people just do decide on the creative right? They test hundreds of angles but never really optimise the landing page properly.
πŸŽ™οΈ Right. So it’s really going to get full funnel, it’s got to get more and more important to look at the entire picture. That doesn’t really make it easier for people just starting out but luckily there’s people like you around who are happy to help and share. So that’s amazing, thank you very much for that.